The paper describes the first deployment phases of the HIN (Health Issue Network) approach as innovative learning technology for both the Departments of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Productions and of Public Health of the “Federico II” University of Naples.
To test this approach, the researchers involved were called to translate clinical cases from their professional experiences by means of a friendly version of HIN’s Petri Nets–based formalism, called f-HINe.
A specific software learning environment (fHINscene) was also tested, which allows drawing a f-HINe diagram, as well as designing clinical exercises for medical students according to the Case–Based Learning approach.
The results of the tests proved the importance of having a synthetic graphic representation able to analyze complex clinical cases and encouraging inquiry-based learning methods.


Tamburis O., Ricci F.L., Consorti F., Pecoraro F., Luzi D. Innovative learning technologies as support to clinical reasoning in medical sciences: the case of the FEDERICO II University Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Its Applications (ISDA), 2021.
